Silent Hope Nintendo SWITCH
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Seven heroes, seven fighting styles. Dive into the Abyss and save their silent world.
Discover Silent Hope on Nintendo Switch!
One day, a terrible calamity struck a peaceful kingdom. In the chaos that followed, betrayals and backstabbing became commonplace. Their King used powerful magic to strip the people of their ability to speak and threw himself into the Abyss. His daughter, the Princess, cried her eyes out until she found herself trapped inside a gigantic crystallized tear.
Many years after these events had been forgotten from the collective memory, seven rainbow-colored lights emerged from the abyss. These rays of hope appeared before the Princess in the form of seven heroes, ready to answer the princess's call for help. Why did the King abandon his daughter and his people? And why did he steal her speech?
SUPPORT Video game on cartridge
Nintendo Switch PLATFORM
Greater challenges await you
Seven Heroes, Seven Unique Combat Styles : Choose from a diverse cast of characters like the balanced Traveler, Archer, Ranged Specialist, or the devastatingly attacking Warrior to discover which skills best suit your playstyle, and take on new roles and abilities as you gain more experience. Use crystals found in the Abyss to switch characters or return to Base Camp.
Home at the Edge of the World : Find new recipes and materials, then return to Base Camp at the Edge of the Abyss, where each character will have a unique job. From alchemist to blacksmith to cook, each hero brings something different to the party.
Exciting Dungeon Crawling and Exploration : Discover a new layout every time you enter the enigmatic Abyss, forcing you to stay vigilant as you explore and keep an eye out for Memory Rifts, where greater rewards… and greater challenges await.
A dynamic and beautiful fairy tale : The Princess will narrate every step of your journey to make it feel like you are living a fairy tale come true, plunging you into dark mysteries waiting to be discovered in a breathtaking underworld.