One Piece Mixtape from Baratie 1LP 10”
Release Date:
It's time to set sail with the best nautical restaurant in all of the Grand Line! The Baratie 's cuisine may be five-star, but characters of all reputations are welcome. Pirate or not, there's something for everyone.
Welcome to the Baratie, it's time to order!
Sure, the ship's one-for-all, one-for-one policy can sometimes create a... unique atmosphere for its guests. But it's not without its charm: The Baratie is a high-class dining ship, after all, and the music you'll hear on your voyage is a big part of that sense of sophistication.
Today, we’ve teamed up with our friends at Netflix to help you bring that vibe to your turntable. It’s the One Piece: Mixtape from Baratie 10-inch , a jazzy piece of music that’s sure to transport you to the deck of the iconic ship. The music, composed by One Piece mainstays Sonya Belousova and Giona Ostinelli , is a classy mix of brass, drums, and other instruments , all designed to whet the appetite of your hungry ears.
And, as any chef knows, half the meal is in the presentation. After all, it’s the eyes that eat first. That’s why we enlisted our friend Kevin Wilson to build the perfect dish for this delectable 10-inch, in the form of an iconic album cover that packs a punch.
LABEL iam8bit
One Piece Mixtape from Baratie
Welcome to Baratie
Something Sweet For Someone Sweet
True Bluefin Saute
Enjoy Your Meals
Who The Hell Is Monkey D Luffy
They Call It The All Blue
How About A Meal
Get Out of My Restaurant Now
Party At Baratie