Frog Detective The Entire Mystery SWITCH
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You're a detective, and a frog, and it's time to solve 3 thrilling mysteries ! Play as a frog, find clues, question bizarre suspects and whip out your magnifying glass at every opportunity. Jealous people may call it useless, but they don't know anything about it!
Discover Frog Detective The Entire Mystery on Nintendo SWITCH!
Frog Detective - The Whole Mystery revisits the detective genre with a lively and mischievous good nature that will appeal to the whole family. Investigate alone or recruit accomplices to have fun reading the dialogues out loud.
So, detective, do you think you can solve the mystery?
The physical edition includes:
Frog's business card
Lobster Cop Business Card
Download the soundtrack (OST)
Reversible cover
GENRE Adventure, Investigation
SUPPORT Video game on cartridge
The detective frog is determined to get to the bottom of this affair.
In the first case, Haunted Island , a ghost as enigmatic as it is elusive has been tormenting a sloth for weeks. The victim has hired a team of ghostologists, but their search has come to a standstill. Fortunately for the tropical sloth (and unfortunately for this scum of a ghost), the frog detective is determined to get to the bottom of this case! Haunted Island is the first installment of this award-winning trilogy. It is thanks to this little mystery that, all over the world, the world of Frog Detective is today the object of an obsessive cult.
In the second investigation, The Case of the Invisible Witch , our detective discovers the Witches' Edge. A dark mischief is stirring up this town: someone sabotaged the welcome party that the inhabitants were preparing for their new neighbor! Said neighbor is now nowhere to be found and the village is in a pitiful state . Will the detective frog manage to elucidate this mystery? We hope so, otherwise the game risks being a bit rubbish.
The trilogy ends in style with Corruption in Cowboy Canyon , an investigation that sees the detective frog team up with Inspector Langoustine to solve the puzzle of a town without a sheriff. But this surprisingly simple mission is only the tip of the iceberg , and a much more sinister plot awaits our amphibian. After all, crime may really exist.