Art of Fighting Volume 1 The Definitive Soundtrack Vinyl - 1LP
Release Date:
ART OF FIGHTING was originally released for the NEOGEO in 1992. Serving as a prequel to SNK's Fatal Fury fighting game series, the game featured stunning sprites and unprecedented animation, coupled with a catchy and memorable soundtrack and a cast of iconic characters.
Check out the Art of Fighting Volume 1 soundtrack on vinyl!
To celebrate the series' 25th anniversary, the music from Art of Fighting has been restored to the highest possible quality for a new generation of fighting game fans.
LABEL Brave Wave
Art of Fighting Volume 1 Soundtrack
Theme of the Dragon and Tiger (Title)
Thanks for the 200 yen (Intrusion)
Which One Do You Want? I Want This One (Player Select)
Welcome to the Todo Mansion (Before Ryuhaku Todoh Stage)
ART OF FIGHT (Ryuhaku Todoh Stage)
Ah, I Want to Return to Japan (After Ryuhaku Todoh Stage)
Wait, Yuri! (Interrim Demo)
Mamemamemaame (Jack Turner Stage)
Delinquents Do Have Honor Too (After Jack Turner Stage)
Chinese Old Man (Lee Pai Long Stage)
Defeated by Age, As I Thought (After Lee Pai Long Stage)
Micha iya! (King Stage)
I Want to Return to a Normal Life (After King Stage)
Bonus Game (Bonus Game Select)
Initiation to the Super Special Moves (Bonus Game)
Strike! Strike! (Bonus Game Results)
Welcome to Downtown (Before Mickey Rogers Stage)
Being Tough Feels Good (Mickey Rogers Stage)
Being Tough Was Good (After Mickey Rogers Stage)
Flying Baaang! (John Crawley Stage)
Flying Boom!! (After John Crawley Stage)
Blue Moon Factory (Mr.BIG Stage)
Fight Uninjured (After Mr.BIG Stage)
Wait a Moment (Before Mr. Karate Stage)
The Tengu Show (Mr.Karate Stage)
I Can't Do It (After being defeated by Mr.Karate)
Is That Our Kid? (Staff Roll)
Hey, Let's Do It Again! (Continues)