This long-running animated series features a mix of influences, moving beyond the initial pastiche of spy fiction to expand into unexpected genres and settings. From solving an island mystery to dark catchphrases that would make Sam Spade blush, Archer is defined by his refusal to be defined, across 13 imaginative seasons.
How did the show make this change of scenery work so well? Strong, well-defined characters, excellently written comedic antics, and an instantly recognizable aesthetic - including killer music, of course.
iam8bit is happy to present to you here the vinyl soundtrack of Archer. It includes excerpts from the seventh, eighth and ninth seasons of Archer, the series from Floyd County Productions, which spans a unique era. It's the perfect playground for famed composer JG Thirlwell, who deftly dances and dodges genres, motifs and musical conventions, so skillfully that the music often surpasses the original works to which it pays homage.
Artist Kevin Wilson, a long-time friend of iam8bit, created the album cover, channeling the series' instantly recognizable style into a package worthy of any fan's record shelf (or, perhaps, be more appropriate, above his minibar). This is a must-have for any aspiring superspy.
Original soundtrack on red vinyl
With music from seasons 7 to 9 of the Archer series.